PM's chief of staff helping election bet investigators

Sources tell the BBC Liam Booth-Smith is not a suspect in the investigation.
2024-06-28 05:06:38

Singapore Airlines plane dropped 178ft in five seconds - report

Rapid changes in gravitational force caused the altitude drop which injured passengers, investigators say.
2024-05-29 12:09:18

Harry loses bid to include Murdoch in hacking claim

But the Duke of Sussex was granted permission to alter his case to include further accusations against journalists and private investigators.
2024-05-21 14:11:00

Grant settles privacy case against Sun publisher

The actor claimed journalists used private investigators for unlawful information gathering.
2024-04-17 13:08:53

Sweden and Canada resume aid to UN Gaza agency

The decision comes as investigators probe if some UNRWA staff were involved in the 7 October attack.
2024-03-09 14:07:42

Maine shooting manhunt: River trawled in search for suspect

Investigators have reportedly found a suicide note from the suspect addressed to his son.
2023-10-27 21:07:18

The videos ISIS didn't want you to see

Previously unseen videos from security cameras in a children's hospital in Aleppo that was taken over by ISIS for use as a headquarters give
2023-09-06 22:18:58

How undercover sting outwitted pangolin traffickers

How charity investigators went undercover to outwit a global wildlife trafficking gang.
2023-08-16 02:27:36

Vatican investigates sexual abuse allegations at Roman Catholic society in Peru

Vatican investigators looking into sexual abuse allegations at a Roman Catholic society in Peru have completed the first stage of their audit and will issue a report in the coming months, Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni told CNN Friday.
2023-08-08 23:06:19

What Titan sub wreckage can tell us about the tragedy

How debris recovered from the sea bed near the Titanic could help investigators learn what happened.
2023-06-29 22:17:19

Voice recordings and data from the mother ship that carried the Titan submersible before it imploded will be examined, investigators say

As a remotely operated robot maps out the debris field from the fatal Titan submersible implosion, investigators will be reviewing voice recordings from the mother ship that carried the vessel and its five occupants on its journey to the site of the Titanic wreckage, officials said.
2023-06-25 09:08:12

Titan sub: Investigators board Polar Prince as it returns to harbour

Canadian investigators in Newfoundland are looking for clues as to what caused the sub's implosion.
2023-06-24 19:10:55

Deadly New Zealand hostel fire was arson - police

Investigators have so far found six bodies and warned that the death toll could rise.
2023-05-17 09:13:49


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