Reservoir found deep in Martian rocks

Studies of quakes detected from the planet's surface found it in the planet's rocky outer crust.
2024-08-12 21:06:32

Ukraine and Russia trade claims over nuclear plant fire

Both sides say there has been no detected radiation spike at the occupied Zaporizhzhia plant.
2024-08-12 06:07:25

Almost 4,000 cyberattacks on Ukraine detected

Post Content
2023-11-18 09:08:17

Iceland volcano: Blue Lagoon closes over eruption fears

More than 20,000 minor earthquakes have been detected by Icelandic authorities since late October.
2023-11-09 17:08:16

What's next in the search for the imploded submersible?

The search for the Titan submersible that captivated the world came to an abrupt and grim end this week after fragments of the vessel were detected on the ocean floor near the Titanic. The discovery led the US Coast Guard to announce the ship likely imploded, killing all five passengers aboard.
2023-06-24 16:06:59

What's next in the search for the imploded submersible?

The search for the Titan submersible that captivated the world came to an abrupt and grim end this week after fragments of the vessel were detected on the ocean floor near the Titanic. The discovery led the US Coast Guard to announce the ship likely imploded, killing all five passengers aboard.
2023-06-24 11:07:13

Titanic sub search: US Navy detected implosion sounds after sub lost contact

The US Coast Guard are said to have used the information to narrow the search area.
2023-06-23 07:11:51

Titan sub: What happens next after sounds detected in search

With oxygen supplies dwindling - under 24 hours' worth remains - the next few hours are critical.
2023-06-21 14:12:09


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